Parents beware: Russian trolls sought to sow vaccine discord
Star Tribune,
A respected medical journal just published a disturbing warning to parents and doctors.
Russian trolls and malicious bots fuel discord over vaccines, study finds
It’s not just political elections that Russian internet trolls have been trying to influence with a divisive misinformation…
Polêmica sobre vacinas é alimentada por robôs russos
Uma análise de 1,8 milhão de tweets publicados entre julho de 2014 e setembro de 2017 revelou que robôs e perfis falsos…
Russiske nettroll skaper splid rundt vaksiner
ABC Nyheter,
– Disse nettrollene ser ut til å ha brukt vaksinasjon som en kile til å skape splid i det amerikanske samfunnet, sier forsker.
Il seme della discordia sui vaccini,
Prima e durante le ultime elezioni americane, dagli account Twitter di bot e troll russi sono stati postati contenuti fuorvianti…
Ruski trolovi na Twitteru poticali rasprave o cjepivu i širili viruse
Istraživači na Sveučilištu George Washington u Washingtonu su otkrili da je niz korisničkih računa na Twitteru stvoreno kako bi…
As if bots weren’t bad enough already, now they’re anti-vaccine
Washington Post,
MEDDLING IN American democracy by outsiders — Russians and perhaps others — has triggered substantial public awareness and…
As if bots weren’t bad enough already, now they’re anti-vaccine
Washington Post,
Russian trolls used vaccine debate to sow U.S. discord, study says
Star Tribune,
"Don't get #vaccines. Illuminati are behind it" "Do you still treat your kids with leaves? No? And why don't you #vaccinate them?
News story from Los Angeles Times on Monday 27 August 2018
Los Angeles Times,
News story from Gizmodo UK on Monday 27 August 2018
Gizmodo UK,
Trolls y bots rusos influyen en los debates sobre vacunas de Twitter
Muy Interesante,
Los trolls son criaturas mitológicas procedentes de las antiguas mitologías escandinavas.
Are Russian bots, trolls trying to sway vaccine debate?
Home > Medical > Childhood Diseases > Vaccinations 27 August 2018 Are Russian bots, trolls trying to sway vaccine debate?
Twitter Bots And Russian Government Trolls Are Stoking Vaccine Wars
True Viral News,
Some Twitter accounts spreading vaccination myths are actually bots and others are trolls who don’t believe their message, a…
Russian trolls waded into, sought to amplify vaccine debate, study finds
Medcity News,
The purpose and effects of the trolls' effort are unclear, but studies indicate exposure to debate creates uncertainty around…
Alerta mundial: Los trolls atacan las vacunas - 26/08/2018
Investigadores de Estados Unidos que estudiaban cómo se pueden utilizar las redes sociales para mejorar la salud pública han…
That Anti-Vaccination Message May Be From A Russian Bot Or Troll
Twitter has said it found well over a thousand accounts linked to the Russian government-backed Internet Research Agency…
Propaganda alert! Scientists accuse Russian trolls of spreading discord over vaccine safety
Sign of the Times,
Bots and Russian trolls spread misinformation about vaccines on Twitter to sow division and distribute malicious content before…
Amerikanske forskere: Russiske trolde har spredt misinformation om vacciner
Jyllands Posten,
Russiske trolde har oprettet falske Twitter-brugere, der har offentliggjort flere tusind tweets, som både var for og imod…
Russian trolls stoke public discord on vaccine science
University World News,
Social media ‘bots’ and Russian ‘trolls’ have promoted discord and spread “unverified and erroneous” information about vaccines…
Move over Brexit
RT Network,
First ‘Russian bots’ meddled in the US election, then it was Brexit – so what will those pesky blighters get up to next? Well…
Bots rusos trolearon el debate sobre vacunas en redes en EE.UU., según estudio | Mundo | Internacional
Usuarios falsos procedentes de Rusia intervinieron en el debate en Estados Unidos sobre vacunas en las redes sociales entre…
Twitter Bots, Russian Trolls spread misinformation on vaccines: study
The Hindu,
Social media bots and Russian trolls promoted discord and spread false information about vaccines on Twitter, a study has found.
Did Russian Bots, Trolls Try to Sway U.S. Vaccine Debate?
Latest MedicineNet News THURSDAY, Aug. 23, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Politics weren't their only target.
Russian trolls 'used vaccination debate to sow discord'
World News SBS,
“Don’t get #vaccines. Illuminati are behind it” “Do you still treat your kids with leaves? No? And why don’t you #vaccinate them?
Los trols atacan las vacunas
La Vanguardia,
Investigadores de Estados Unidos que estudiaban cómo se pueden utilizar las redes sociales para mejorar la salud pública han…
Russia trolls 'spreading vaccination misinformation' to create discord
Radio New Zealand ,
Navigation for News Categories Social media bots and Russian trolls have been spreading disinformation about vaccines on…
Why Russian trolls stoked U.S. vaccine debates
Q13 Fox ,
Watch Video Russia’s meddling online went beyond the 2016 US presidential election and into public health, amplifying online…
Brainstorm Health: Russian Trolls and Vaccines, Oklahoma's Medicaid Gambit, Ebola Crisis
By 5:37 PM EDT Happy Friday, readers! This is Sy. The ambitions of Russian cyber-trolls on social media don’t stop at an…
New study says Russian trolls spurred on vaccine debate to create discord in US
The Blaze,
Russian trolls and bots reportedly intended to spread discord on Twitter about vaccines, according to a new study.
Why a Russian Anti-Vaccine Trolling Operation Failed to Resonate on Twitter
Russian trolls used Twitter to spread polarizing information about vaccines in an effort to sow discord among Americans…
Expert om vaccintroll på nätet: Viktigt ha koll på alla polariserande frågor
Han är senioranalytiker vid Centrum för asymmetriska hot- och terrorismstudier på Försvarshögskolan och förvånas inte av upptäckt…
Um US-Gesellschaft zu spalten - Russische Trolle verbreiten aufrührerische Tweets zum Impfen
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen,
Impfen oder nicht impfen? Das ist ein Thema, das viele Eltern umtreibt und starke Gefühle weckt.
Russian internet trolls spread anti-vaxxer propaganda: study
New York Post,
Russian trolls used Twitter to spread misinformation about vaccinations, a study suggests.
Report: Bots, Russian Trolls Targeted Vaccine Debate Online
MedPage Today,
Twitter bots and Russian trolls amplified the online vaccine debate, by posting about the topic more frequently with incendiary…
Russian bots turned to Twitter to divide Americans on vaccines, study finds
Becker's Hospital Review,
August 24, 2018| Print | Email In addition to spreading false information and reputedly interfering with the 2016 U.S.
Bots, Russian trolls influenced vaccine discussion on Twitter
Homeland Security News Wire,
Truth decay Published 24 August 2018 Social media bots and Russian trolls promoted discord and spread false information about…
Bots rusos intervinieron en el debate sobre vacunas en redes sociales
Usuarios falsos procedentes de Rusia intervinieron en el debate sobre vacunas en las redes sociales entre julio de 2014 y…
Bots rusos intervinieron en el debate sobre vacunas en redes sociales
Usuarios falsos procedentes de Rusia intervinieron en el debate sobre vacunas en las redes sociales entre julio de 2014 y…
Russian Bots and Trolls Amplified Anti-Vaxx Sentiment in the US
W hether you’re reading about pseudoscientific nonsense from Goop or thinking about corking your dick with a Jiftip, the…
Russian Trolls Apparently Whipped Up Frenzy Over Vaccines
(Newser) – You might twice about heading to Twitter or Facebook to read about vaccinations.
Why Russian Trolls Stoked US Vaccine Debates
Good Day Sacramento,
(CNN) — Russia’s meddling online went beyond the 2016 US presidential election and into public health, amplifying online…
'Russische trolaccounts zaaien verdeeldheid over vaccinaties'
Russische trolaccounts hebben geprobeerd om onrust te stoken op Twitter in het debat rond de vaccinatie van kinderen.
News story from Publico on Friday 24 August 2018
News story from The National on Friday 24 August 2018
The National,
Studie: Russiske nett-troll fyrte opp under vaksinedebatt i USA
Dagens Næringsliv,
Bygningen Lakhta-2 i St. Petersburg er kjent for å huse fokk som driver med organisert hacking og trolling på internett.
Fake news sui vaccini
Scienza e Salute,
Di venerdì 24 agosto 2018 Uno studio della George Washington University sospetta che dietro le fake news sui vaccini ci sia…
Россиян уличили в запугивании американцев прививками,
Американские исследователи из Университета Джорджа Вашингтона обвинили российских троллей в распространении дезинформации в…
Trolls rusos acusados de difundir mensajes antivacunas: reporte
Parece que Rusia sigue en el ojo del huracán de la manipulación y desinformación en Internet.
Twitter: Bots und Trolle schüren Impfskepsis
FOCUS Online,
Es ist schon paradox: Impfungen sind eine der wichtigsten Waffen der Medizin. Ihnen verdanken wir, dass tödliche Krankheiten…
Russian Twitter trolls played both sides of vaccine debate, study says
Russian trolls on Twitter didn't pick a side in the vaccine debate, but insulted both sides to maximize hostility, a study found.
Russische trollen zaaiden onrust op sociale media over vaccinaties | Digitaal
Algemeen Dagblad (AD),
Menu SluitSluit WeerWeer Het weer ZoekZoek Zoeken Volledig scherm Een Amerikaanse studie heeft verschillende Russische…
Nuove fake news sui vaccini diffuse da troll russi
24 agosto 2018 - - Stampa Nuovo caso di false informazioni sui vaccini: diversi account troll legati alla propaganda del…
Yhdysvaltalaistutkimus: Venäläiset trollit lietsoivat eripuraa levittämällä Twitterissä valheellista tietoa rokotteista – ”He altistavat meidät kaikki tartuntataudeille” - Ulkomaat
Helsingin Sanomat,
Ulkomaat Yhdysvaltalaistutkimus: Venäläiset trollit lietsoivat eripuraa levittämällä Twitterissä valheellista tietoa ro…
Russia trolls 'spreading vaccine discord'
Social media bots and Russian trolls have been spreading disinformation about vaccines on Twitter to create social discord and…
Yhdysvaltain vaaleja häirinneet venäläistrollit tviittasivat myös rokotteista - Maailma
Turun Sanomat,
Salla Salminen Venäläiset trollit käyttivät hyödykseen rokotekeskustelua yrittäessään kylvää ristiriitaa Yhdysvaltain vaalien…
Twitter-trollen vallen vaccinatie aan
De Russische accounts die werden ingezet bij een poging om de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen te beïnvloeden, hebben via…
Yhdysvaltain vaaleja häirinneet venäläistrollit tviittasivat myös rokotteista
Venäläiset trollit käyttivät hyödykseen rokotekeskustelua yrittäessään kylvää ristiriitaa Yhdysvaltain vaalien aikana, ilmenee…
Yhdysvaltain vaaleja häirinneet venäläistrollit tviittasivat myös rokotteista
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat,
Venliset trollit kyttivt hydykseen rokotekeskustelua yrittessn kylv ristiriitaa Yhdysvaltain vaalien aikana, ilmenee uudesta…
Yhdysvaltain vaaleja häirinneet venäläistrollit tviittasivat myös rokotteista | Ulkomaat
Venäläiset trollit käyttivät hyödykseen rokotekeskustelua yrittäessään kylvää ristiriitaa Yhdysvaltain vaalien aikana, ilmenee…
Russian bots tried to sow discord over vaccines during the 2016 election, study finds
In the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. election, Russian bots and trolls took to Twitter and other social media platforms to try to…
US-Studie: Russland will Bürgern Angst vor Impfungen machen
Der Standard,
Washington – Russland steht erneut im Zentrum einer Kontroverse um die Beeinflussung von Meinungen im Internet.
Vaccini: lo studio, dietro 'fake news' su Twitter troll russi e account finti,
Notiziario Roma, 24 ago. (AdnKronos Salute) - "Algoritmi creati 'ad hoc', falsi account e 'troll' russi, hanno diffuso su…
News story from The Mirror on Friday 24 August 2018
The Mirror,
Russian Twitter bots and trolls spread false information about vaccines: Study
Using tactics similar to those at work during the 2016 US presidential election, social media bots and Russian trolls promoted…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
Tucson News Now,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
Cleveland 19,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
KPLC 7 News,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
News Channel 6,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
The Sentinel-Echo,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
The Chronicle of Higher Education,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
News story from The Gazette on Friday 24 August 2018
The Gazette,
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
News Channel,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
14 News,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
KSLA News 12,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
ABC 7 News KSWO,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russian trolls have been exploiting anti-vaccine sentiment, study finds
News Channel 10,
(RNN) – It’s not just politics Russians have been meddling in. Researchers from George Washington University have published a…
Russische trollen tweeten ook over vaccinaties
De Standaard,
Russische trollen en bots hebben valse informatie op Twitter verspreid over vaccinaties voor en tijdens de Amerikaanse…
Russia trolls 'spreading vaccination misinformation' to create discord
BBC News,
Image copyright PA Social media bots and Russian trolls have been spreading disinformation about vaccines on Twitter to create…
Russia trolls 'spreading vaccination misinformation' to create discord
BBC News,
Image copyright PA Social media bots and Russian trolls have been spreading disinformation about vaccines on Twitter to create…
Russiske nettroll anklages for spre vaksinepropaganda – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og -dokumentarer
Forskere ved George Washington-universitetet i Washington DC samlet inn og analyserte nærmere 1,8 millioner twittermeldinger…
News story from Metro UK on Friday 24 August 2018
Metro UK,
Russian trolls played 'both sides' on vaccine arguments
Yahoo! Finance USA,
internet users and riling up both sides for years, and social platforms are still banning fake accounts and groups.
Russian trolls played 'both sides' on vaccine arguments
Yahoo! News,
Russian trolls have been leaping into existing hot-button debates between US internet users and riling up both sides for years…
News story from Engadget on Friday 24 August 2018
Amerikanska forskare: Ryska troll sådde split om vacciner, ville skapa osäkerhet | Utrikes,
Publicerad 24.08.2018 - 10:25. Uppdaterad 24.08.2018 - 10:27 Under USA:s presidentvalskampanj arbetade ryska krafter för att…
Vaccini: lo studio, dietro ‘fake news’ su Twitter troll russi e account finti
Padova News,
Roma, 24 ago. (AdnKronos Salute) – “Algoritmi creati ‘ad hoc’, falsi account e ‘troll’ russi, hanno diffuso su Twitter ‘fake…
Russian trolls spread vaccine misinformation on Twitter
Bots and Russian trolls spread misinformation about vaccines on Twitter to sow division and distribute malicious content before…
Russian trolls, bots skewed vaccine discussion on Twitter: Study
New Kerala,
Washington, Aug 24 : Using tactics similar to those at work during the 2016 US presidential election, social media bots and…
Studio rivela: “Fake news sui vaccini diffuse da troll russi durante le elezioni americane”
Troll russi hanno diffuso fake news sui vaccini sui social network durante il periodo delle elezioni presidenziali statunitensi…