@MarkWar16520311 There were a few reports that showed an increase in Russian propaganda and disinformation over vaccines and healthcare in general. The reports were out in 2018. https://t.co/fHe0mFEFyo
@KarenLeslieHall @SimonWDC @dailybeanspod Russia was active in the anti-vaccine Twitter arena long before the yellow haired guy decided to run for president. https://t.co/Fk7WOWMR4x
@PhyrePhlyZ I figure most "counter-conspiracy" theories are at least more true than their counterparts. For example, "Russian trolls feed the anti-vax movement to weaken the West" is closer than any theories said movement has pushed: https://t.co/e6rnCJ3J3
RT @viergepersono: @MsPacNWer @scrippsnews You may have already seen this, but still always a good opportunity to hammer this factoid in th…
@TontberryKing @HankishTwitZone @realtpv Well Russia does put out 166 million posts per week with disinfo. https://t.co/On56UvS6QC
RT @viergepersono: https://t.co/NXLb1zdvQk Research publish in 2018 looking at data collected from 2014 through 2017 found Russian troll fa…
@MarksRaw @Coopster_05 @Chipperfliet @MEHtheNurseTwin Just askin' questions, right? https://t.co/NxYgmKAaT3
@Kybalion1980 @RunningOnTheSun There's plenty of evidence for Russian interference on social media, if you bothered to look. Here are a few studies to start you off. https://t.co/3jqkphW1T7 https://t.co/3vQnwW4TTN https://t.co/mYxYWdCwnG https://t.co/x7K
@Dr_RShatsky 2) There are many studies out there (eg. NIH) along similar lines. The distrust in public health through Covid has only further entrenched these issues. Public health and healthcare need to push back. https://t.co/PfuGwgncdW
@Info_Rosalie I wonder if any antivaxxing can be blamed on here.
@rustyrockets @OnLocals Maybe discuss this scientific study which demonstrates that Russian bots drove the anti vaccine debate on X? Has all that MAGA adoration melted whatever was left of your brain after years of debauchery, of heroin, potential sexual
RT @MKukyte: @StefanHaboeck Anti-Impf-Propaganda = #ruSSPropaganda Die destabilisierende Wirkung der Relativierung jeglicher wissenschaftl…
RT @MKukyte: @StefanHaboeck Anti-Impf-Propaganda = #ruSSPropaganda Die destabilisierende Wirkung der Relativierung jeglicher wissenschaftl…
RT @MKukyte: @StefanHaboeck Anti-Impf-Propaganda = #ruSSPropaganda Die destabilisierende Wirkung der Relativierung jeglicher wissenschaftl…
RT @MKukyte: @StefanHaboeck Anti-Impf-Propaganda = #ruSSPropaganda Die destabilisierende Wirkung der Relativierung jeglicher wissenschaftl…
RT @MKukyte: @MartinSauerbrey Es ist ein Teil der Wirkungsweise des ruSS Geheimdienstes. https://t.co/lMIlpjiezY
@MartinSauerbrey Es ist ein Teil der Wirkungsweise des ruSS Geheimdienstes. https://t.co/lMIlpjiezY
@rudifussi Schlecht analysiert. Denn die Kampagne wurde mindestens 10 Jahre früher gestartet. https://t.co/lMIlpjiezY
@StefanHaboeck Anti-Impf-Propaganda = #ruSSPropaganda Die destabilisierende Wirkung der Relativierung jeglicher wissenschaftlichen Fakten ist seit Jahrzehnten ein Teil der ruSS hybriden Kriegsführung. https://t.co/zgGQQcDAEM https://t.co/VgDlBdeJub
@AlbertaSteve123 пока-пока товарищ https://t.co/NxYgmKAaT3
@watamelon23 @JustinCraver8 @Partisangirl @macergifford @TuckerCarlson Distrust of politicians is frequent in democracies, but it's usually confined to the margins. The russians have weaponized certain issues precisely to bring that kind of narrative to a
@JaneCaro @zeee_media The whole antivax thing is a Russian disinformation op https://t.co/s2Ryu79jpP
@FrankfurtZack „Mir ist nie ein automatischer Bot über den Weg gelaufen…“ das ist für nichts ein Argument. Außerdem weiß man das seit Jahren. Ist also weder neu noch wirklich interessant. Zb https://t.co/Fnsmvhnrvw
@SCMPNews Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/GiYm55h2N2
@MatheyStephane @sudokuvariante @booba @ansm Montrez nous les études scientifiques sur lesquelles se basent vos chiffres. Vous prenez des exemple WTF issus de la presse pour dénigrer les chiffres issus de vraies études. Quelles sont vos arguments pour dire
Tough guy typists are needed in the Ukraine army https://t.co/hIA5cmr9NI
@noonespecial000 @holmanm Prove your not a Russ bot or troll 👇 “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate” https://t.co/ij1cje3JxK
@golub National Library of Medicine: Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/GiYm55h2N2 https://t.co/USDmkcG3kF
RT @witter_dude: @yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disi…
RT @witter_dude: @yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disi…
RT @witter_dude: @yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disi…
RT @witter_dude: @yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disi…
RT @witter_dude: @yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disi…
@yasminalombaert @GusMVentura1 2018-2019, almost all western countries and its media warned about coordinated russian disinfo through Twitter and other channels regarding anti-vaxx stories and especially vaccines against measles. https://t.co/sBgXeUBrUT
@brucewilson @BrownturdI It's worth noting that if Russia is egging on "anti-something, they're very likely also egging on "pro-something." This study from 2018 found Russian trolls were spreading both pro- and anti-vaccine content. Chaos is the goal. h
@krima1969 @AndereKrant @rivm Je bent gewoon aan het projecteren. De enige die hier blind is ben jij. je bent gewoon zo geindoctreerd dat niemand te vertrouwen is behalve die je gelijk geven. https://t.co/OfDXWJ6EYs
@G_Waddinxveen @MartinSimmons77 Zo kan ik ook wel beginnen . Deze wappie, ookwel usefull idiot genoemd is slecht voor het nederlandse debat. https://t.co/OfDXWJ678U
@Harold150160 @HiddenPinky @GeoffSchuler @jonathanstea Says the paid Putin fluffer. Have another potato, tovarisch. https://t.co/Llyihw3axz
@TommyeAugustin @Suviquu1 https://t.co/1bxiFdVotm https://t.co/WsXeAyEk5g https://t.co/dshCxaA2x8 Noilla pääset nyt jo alkuun.
@joel_cardwell Published in *2018* Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/s2Ryu79jpP
@Dicky_Paul_95 @prairiecentrist I showed you this paper on how Russia is using bots since 2012 to spread vaccine misinformation. Its very real. How can you be so confident that this hasn’t contributed to vaccine hesitancy in Canada? https://t.co/pXYR7X
@Dicky_Paul_95 @GailSmithlegal @rootcauseteam @prairiecentrist @jacobs_cda Pony up Here’s a paper from 2018 talking about how Russian bots promote vaccine division. You’ll not this is long before COVID https://t.co/pXYR7XmvZJ
RT @managehours: KREMLIN "Russian Federation" #COVID #aerosol: 2017! https://t.co/3kutDiTDrx #antivaxxers #antivax #VaccineInjuries #Vacci…
@2Trump2024 KREMLIN "Russian Federation" #COVID #aerosol: 2017! https://t.co/GO0ABJwcvn… #antivaxxers #antivax #VaccineInjuries #Vaccine #Vacc #DISinformation #LIES:2018! https://t.co/H93XZC1COm… Putin wages #WAR:#US in #AMERICA #UKRAINE #Georgia #WORLD-VE
@Rwslan1169935 @TobiasBillstrom @annaigelstrom @jensstoltenberg @NATO KREMLIN "Russian Federation" #COVID #aerosol: 2017! https://t.co/GO0ABJwcvn… #antivaxxers #antivax #VaccineInjuries #Vaccine #Vacc #DISinformation #LIES:2018! https://t.co/H93XZC1COm… Pu
KREMLIN "Russian Federation" #COVID #aerosol: 2017! https://t.co/3kutDiTDrx #antivaxxers #antivax #VaccineInjuries #Vaccine #Vacc #DISinformation #LIES:2018! https://t.co/7uZgatFhbs Putin wages #WAR:#US in #AMERICA #UKRAINE #Georgia #WORLD-VECTOR #BioWea
アメリカでの論文なんだからアメリカや親ワクにとって都合の悪いことをいうロシアや反ワクについての論文を出すのは当たり前のこと。 こんなアメリカの偏向論文で論破したと思い込む哀れな思考力しかないようだな😂🤣
@vEamGJ82AseGMlp https://t.co/jBDQZM6VtK はい、pubmedの論文ですよ😂 一瞬で論破
@Fishyfish666 @PattonCarter @MythinformedMKE @JeromeAdamsMD If I say "we get flu shots every year" or "Novavax isn't mRNA" you'll give me the same answer - some Russian anti-vax nuttery. But I bet you're a "free-thinker...." https://t.co/NueL9nLrqu
@DaniaStrong @luvjessicablair *already are https://t.co/90t3CmajLH Entire countries have been using language models to sway political and social opinion for decades now and they're gotten weirdly good at it
RT @lisa_iannattone: @JimGleeson No the antivaxx bots on this platform are mostly literal bots and not real patients. This has been a recog…
Les antivaxxs sont donc virtuel ? Une petite minorité en PLS https://t.co/UNEuB6SNFd
@JimGleeson No the antivaxx bots on this platform are mostly literal bots and not real patients. This has been a recognized issue since long before pandemic. https://t.co/fZ1hcRnLjN
@nozynose @thackerpd Here you go https://t.co/ezbzQ9gneV ‘Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate’
@FezzikFella Like this? https://t.co/qUEUAB2HQa
RT @TRyanGregory: I'm sure things are much better now though. https://t.co/RGaRpGITPj
RT @TRyanGregory: I'm sure things are much better now though. https://t.co/RGaRpGITPj
Holy crap. Of course. Why am I not surprised? I knew antivax crap was Russian Active Measures.
RT @FLPublicAffairs: @1goodtern @TRyanGregory Exactly. Russia has been using antivax propaganda to divide Americans long before COVID. Th…
@CatMiaaow @MFWitches Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/06HaXwW8nQ
RT @TRyanGregory: I'm sure things are much better now though. https://t.co/RGaRpGITPj
I'm sure things are much better now though. https://t.co/RGaRpGITPj
@1goodtern @TRyanGregory Exactly. Russia has been using antivax propaganda to divide Americans long before COVID. They have plenty of practice https://t.co/wDaSE7XNOZ
@AConcernedPare2 @TRyanGregory "We" meaning you and a bunch of bots operating out of a troll farm in St. Petersburg? https://t.co/UVcPyW0jD8
@TRyanGregory @1goodtern Yep. That's the majority of them. Sowing division over health issues using social media bots is a known Putin program. https://t.co/UVcPyW0jD8
@BGatesIsaPyscho #russianASSet #russianAGENT #DISinformation by #putin in CRAZY #FLORIDA under #DeSantis #DeSantis2024 🤔😂🤣🤮🤬🤬🤬🤬 Please notice the DATE of this publication- OCTOBER 2018!!! #ANTIVAXX DMFs already #killed >300,000 #AMERICAN #CITIZENS- #US
@the_realproton @Roland_F_MSc @JaMoEberl Du weißt nicht mal wo du deine Verschwörungstheorien her hast und warum die verbreitet wurde? Wunder mich nicht https://t.co/I2q58xsWf7
RT @lgoshen: @CaliforniaCodes Is there a "bot factory"? Yes, likely many. This is a known Putin tactic. https://t.co/UVcPyW0jD8
@CaliforniaCodes Is there a "bot factory"? Yes, likely many. This is a known Putin tactic. https://t.co/UVcPyW0jD8
It looks like it's certainly true of anti-vax rhetoric (though not a new phenomenon per dates on these publications), but I haven't seen anything yet about the indefinite NPI crowd, i.e., the “alt anti-vax” movement. — https://t.co/eXxHfJi7D0 — https://t.
@DrJBhattacharya Tell me, do you speak Russian? You may be even worse, since you know better. Answer me this: did vaccines save hundreds of thousands of lives in the US? Are lots of people dying every day of the side effects of mRNA vaccines? Dare you. htt
@ASimonaitis Yes there is. https://t.co/Jl7VKsVcRd
RT @lgoshen: @teststaebchen This. 1. https://t.co/wzsulzdYLY 2. https://t.co/O5ABouo02U
RT @lgoshen: @teststaebchen This. 1. https://t.co/wzsulzdYLY 2. https://t.co/O5ABouo02U
@MarcEsquondolas Yes there is. https://t.co/Jl7VKsVKGL