@MokraCipcinska @_cris_07_ @mal17171 @PawelG82650844 @Lawendowe2021 @lkwarzecha American Journal of Public Health jeśli to medium też jest nierzetelne to bardzo bym prosił o wskazanie jakiegoś rzetelnego. https://t.co/zWV8tUeAWI
RT @lgoshen: @florian_krammer @WolfmannotJack E.g., published in 2018: https://t.co/UVcPyW0RsG
@florian_krammer @WolfmannotJack E.g., published in 2018: https://t.co/UVcPyW0RsG
@DanRather It is easy to understand - a disinformation campaign abetted by Russia- https://t.co/hIKx7aTaCf
@AWeissmann_ With help from your old buddies the Russians https://t.co/hIKx7aTaCf
@Crimsontide722 @abs0lut0 @clay_towsey @VoteEarlyNow @drsimonegold Just Google ‘Russian trolls COVID vax’ and you’ll find plenty of evidence. https://t.co/5dU24PTLgw
@TJTuono @fvdemocratie @thierrybaudet @ongehoordnedtv 60-80% zijn inderdaad trollen, met een bias van rond 90-95% voor het geldende naratief. Zijn verschillende studies over: https://t.co/SlcVkugaIv
@rotor_motor13b @_Moonwaterz_ @dan_kwi @YaffaRaz It's actually the other way around. https://t.co/DklkDG9OJk https://t.co/AR7ujP9fHo https://t.co/c1kftwstGP
@KerriSue62 @J4Years No, I don’t see why they would have questions. What you’re pushing is antivax propaganda. You weren’t interested in a debate, just in spreading your lies Since you like studies so much 👇 Russia & China have been brainwashing idiots
@LisaXX____ @AngieInSE @Mark_Schidler @WaterMelanie10 @jkalexander_alg @pnjaban @charliekirk11 No. The anti-vax movement has been around long before covid. https://t.co/genVCR877B
@GurusPod @ArthurCDent Study focused on Russian anti-vaxx bot activity. But I wonder how many witting and unwitting human repeaters? Bot wranglers must know targeting a few select podcasters would be a huge force multiplier. https://t.co/bO2oV2ZLqD
@GreenheartCryp1 @1060logo @hogan_1969 @michell54486523 @RichardGrenell The idea that Russian trolls and bots actively spreading misinformation on social media is a “liberal hoax” is, somewhat ironically, one of the falsehoods that said trolls actively spr
RT @DRedecopp: @latimes Well, I guess they're exposed to the same disinformation the rest of us are. What puzzles me is that people don't q…
@perebenemari Ils ont aussi financé les anti-gaz de shistes, les anti-ogm, les antivax, après les écolos sont sur ces 3 business. https://t.co/4l1FUcYMvk https://t.co/028dJZvuq8 https://t.co/BMS9WgIEBa https://t.co/U0lxtVczwL https://t.co/6ut2ymQKhf
@WutangToft Ift bots/trolls er det et eksempel hvor der eksisterer rigeligt splid (især i USA hvor uenigheden om vacciner/folkesundhed i stigende grad er politisk-bipartisansk), og hvor eksempelvis Rusland forsøger at forstærke splidet, se f.eks. denne. h
@DebunkMoutarde Ou alors il y a de l'huile versée sur le feu par des gens qui ont juste un intérêt à ce que ce soit le chaos : identifier les points de discorde et polariser. Ce ne serait pas la première fois https://t.co/395m3VK9D5
@david_colquhoun And it started with Russia state sponsored disinformation aimed at destabilizing the west - now it’s a self-propagating hard-right mess. https://t.co/5sL9Vor8Xs
@AnnaG66598934 @UrszulaWodarcz1 @Ekscentryk1 Nie podobają się europejskie, proszę amerykańskie https://t.co/ZQc2JlQEmc
@PfisterRodo https://t.co/QG0MID3N6o Das dürfte die Studie sein, von der in den Artikeln die Rede ist. Ich bin mir aber ziemlich sicher, eine andere gelesen zu haben...
@Col_Cornpone @aaronjmate No, let me explain in other terms. Putin pushes groups that will hurt other nations. Example: Around 2015 or so, they found evidence of Putin funded efforts to push antivaxxer narrative. https://t.co/ZDQvRIG8nW
@thereal_truther @BeaPea12 J&J paused after only 6 incidents were determined (true signal, causal, not VAERS background noise). Bea Pea, 604,000,000 vax doses, or as u call them “clot shot toxic jabs” have been given in the U.S. That # sink at all?
ツイッターに潜むロシアのトロールはCOVID以前から反ワクチンに貢献している "Russian trolls and sophisticated Twitter bots post content about vaccination at significantly higher rates than does the average user." https://t.co/uLjO64k1rY
@NGrossman81 Anti-vaxxers are GRU's psy-op. It's not a conspiracy theory, but a scientific, peer reviewed fact. https://t.co/fu6LFU6YFf
@CaliforniaFrizz @JamesMelville absolute fekkin loonacy, funded by Vovochka👇🏽 natural selection is real, anti-vax poseurs👇🏽👇🏽 u wanna die for Putin? 😉 “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate” https://
RT @contajason_sing: Back in @AMJPublicHealth in 2018: “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vacci…
RT @DrPalmquist: Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate | AJPH | Vol. 108 Issue 10 htt…
@jejasse @chad_bitt @7madrif @le Et ça s'est toujours trop mainstream pour toi ? https://t.co/ZLK8ITFfI1
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate | AJPH | Vol. 108 Issue 10 https://t.co/esP18SMSA6
@ttroutma @BreezerGalway @clairerule69 @timos373 We’ll up the ante and pay you in American dollars instead of the worthless rubles your boss in Moscow is paying you, Ivan, if you spill the beans on the Internet Research Agency operation you’re part of. htt
@Chris_Bell_TO @guy_hamil Thanks for ref. I took a look, along w/ paper they reference. There is no confirmation of Russian provenance that I can see (money trail, internet addresses). Bots/trolls on Twitter (paid actors who push an agenda) is a huge conce
@ColeTrckl @Baisounours_CS @Nain_Portekoi @NoNoUbUn Pas forcément la non vaccination ouvertement, mais le doute, si cher à tes yeux. https://t.co/BeUen5i8KU Ou bien ici https://t.co/3uUME0CSt3 Ou bien là https://t.co/7OJwxwKLL9
Twitterでワクチンを忌避するツイートを繰り返すアカウントが、米国人のフリをしたロシア発信のbotとtrollであるという調査結果。 これらのアカウントはアメリカにおける予防接種に関する一般人のコンセンサスを破壊する事が目的である。 https://t.co/KGfRZO66K5
@Farmboy1972 @astrovisions @PhucEwe69 @BreakingDJT No, actually it is proven to be a problem. Since before 2016. https://t.co/ZDQvRIG8nW
@chainga1ns @PStewed @SofiaRJ17 You are a bot/troll spreading disinformation. https://t.co/GDSUc3pySi https://t.co/dfhkNmd1bB
@KingRajesh You are so dumb and gullible you make my brain hurt. Also, I’m not your private google bot, looking up easily researched studies. https://t.co/cwSaVq3qaH
Orwellian? foadydmfb-AND #russianASSet- #putinsCOVID is part of #russianATTACK #COVID #COVID19 #COVIDIOTS #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19Ab #covid19nfld #covid1948 #CovidGripmis #NATO #russianATTACK "disinformation board" #russianDISinformation "Trump's USMCA"
@RepMeuser @HouseGOP Orwellian? foadydmfb- AND #russianASSet- #putinsCOVID is part of #russianATTACK #COVID #COVID19 #COVIDIOTS #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19Ab #covid19nfld #covid1948 #CovidGripmis #NATO https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/jsYZxyYCcT
@DeniseD70927071 @mtracey Ok, let me explain in other terms.. You are claiming something You have been asked to provide evidence of your claims. Example, when I say RUS is behind of a lot of antivax movement, I use this: https://t.co/ZDQvRIG8nW
@McCartney_NFL @Tufoniti1 @chipgoines Here. I don't expect you to read this, if I'm honest, but this research was BEFORE SARS-2. https://t.co/AESgs8yru1
@ShorFilms YUP, 'all part of puti's plan- Please see #russianATTACK- It used to be slow, but now-WOW!- Personal samples: #CLIMATE #COVID #DURHAM #TRE45ON #tRUMPrussia #putinsmitch https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/UourWeaL9K 'best laid plans: everyb
@EllaIhana @Retail_Stonks @heliramax Nuo kaakko-asennot olleet mm.venäläisillä trolleilla ja USA:n (ääri)oikeiston kytkeytyvillä pitkän linjan rokotevastaisilla. Osa erehtynyt uskomaan näiden pelotteluja. https://t.co/F3RwO8aH6y https://t.co/c1kftwstG
@Baal746603041 @caritatenerife @bilks @KLVeritas Do you have proper evidence or not? Russian trolls are paid to post e.g. anti-vax comments. They tend to be fawlty, pseudoscientific etc too, so the fact they are presenting mis- & disinformation is t
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/IitjFWZGN1
@huys_pol @Freddie02817360 @Berttakesphotos @mboudry @mkeulemans Goed geïndoctrineerd door anti-vaxxers en Poetin. 🙂 https://t.co/Xbs62cVMNR https://t.co/XAiTRrxEaF
A 2018 BBC article based on 2014-2017 data and analysed in the 2018 research article “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate” published at https://t.co/x7ovQyt0EK
@StaseraItalia @martaottaviani A occhio criticare senza conoscere è uno sport con tanti praticanti...https://t.co/PqXPM3ad1E https://t.co/YQ1DY6RWiR
@walkerva @Ramblingproses @jack @paraga I think Russia has done a pretty damn good job of influencing public health alone by spreading disinformation via Twitter. But don’t take it from a dummy like me: https://t.co/m2LWcWLOof
@antiwarjosh @ProudSocialist Oh...another person in denial ? https://t.co/ZDQvRIG8nW Is not new..Putin is just doing this for more than a decade..
@2AWoman @SheriMamaGG3 Get an education https://t.co/cwSaVq3qaH
@Martin44257413 @BernieSpofforth I mean resistance to vaccination did not start with covid. It started in 2016/17 when paid Russian trolls started to work on social media. Here is an overview from 2018: https://t.co/pqiagoKNYg The fact that EU had looked i
@DRySor @Montybu37418437 @DrKyle You're confused. The Russian troll bots are the ones spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines and misinformation. https://t.co/X2doJGOohq
@gorskon Putin’s work, one of many test runs. Also see Jade Helm, power plants, lost laptops, birth certificates, etc. https://t.co/baHj73ePFa
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/5wHFqF5C8y
@EmmiL33 @ureakefaali Putin rahoittaa kaikkea erimielisyyttä lisäävää toimintaa länsimaissa. Eiväthän ne venäjänkielisissä paikoissa samaa tietenkään tee. https://t.co/QP0iBRdk24
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @IanRicksecker: More than 1 million Americans have died from coronavirus. An analysis of vaccine-relevant Twitter messages from 2014-2…
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate - PMC https://t.co/Lfdw5NpxVY
RT @IanRicksecker: More than 1 million Americans have died from coronavirus. An analysis of vaccine-relevant Twitter messages from 2014-2…
@RonJohnsonWI Russian bots spread bad antivax healthcare advice. Millionaire senators spread it to their constituents in glossy campaign ads. https://t.co/IiuKB17bq4
@TVKev You work for a far-right propaganda outfit, amplify antivax arguments (https://t.co/hdQql0DbhL), worked for Brexit... yeah, you.
@cecios123 @jacopo_iacoboni Le invenzioni russe. https://t.co/tlcHCiC99G
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @mbanzi: "Accounts masquerading as legitimate users create false equivalency, eroding public consensus on vaccination." from "Weaponized…
"Accounts masquerading as legitimate users create false equivalency, eroding public consensus on vaccination." from "Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate" (interesting paper) https://t.co/K526iSdB0y
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
@colvieux Temo che ci sia una spiegazione ben più semplice di questa. https://t.co/tlcHCiC99G
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…