@Janelle62424470 @kariwhan13 Anti vaccination bots/trolls from Russia have been active even before covid. https://t.co/oewnTdrQvm
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
Questo paper, per esempio, analizza le operazioni russe di propaganda antivaccinale, risalente a molto prima del Covid, da luglio 2014 a settembre 2017; piuttosto impressionante 👇 https://t.co/BIQHqBCdDj
@UbakaOgbogu Especially now! But anti-vaccine bots have been sowing disinformation for ages. Not sure about their role in this instance but here is a study from 2018. https://t.co/oewnTdrQvm
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/LT0DA0cxyl #science #social_science #health #communication #twitter #bots
@HonkanenMartin @ER_Korhola @kokoomus En esitä olkiukkoja vaan viittaan tehtyihin selvityksiin ja tutkimuksiin, jotka kertovat että Venäjä tuottaa ja levittää rokotteisiin liittyvää disinformaatiota hybridivaikuttamisen keinoina. Esitit jälleen olkiukon. T
@HonkanenMartin @ER_Korhola @kokoomus Neljänneksi, linkittämäni artikkeli perustuu tehtyihin tutkimuksiin ja selvityksiin joita mm. EUn hybridivaikuttamisen keskus on tehnyt. Venäjän disinformaatio-operaatioita on tutkittu laajasti ja löydökset raportoitu
@Jan_Kunert @jaron_michal @konkret24 Nihil novi. Poniżej artykuł z roku 2018 o rosyjskiej propagandzie antyszczepionkowej. https://t.co/UceOiPE7hF
@SampoMaki @KorpinenLaura Kremlin hybridivaikuttamisesta on tehty monia tutkimuksia. Tässä esimerkki vuonna 2014 alkaneesta tutkimuksesta jossa selvitettiin Venäjän trollien ja bottien toimintaa Twitterissä 2/ https://t.co/SE9SwQPg8w
אגב, הרוסים בראשותו של ולדימיר פוטין תמכו במפלגות קיצוניות (בעיקר ימין קיצוני) במערב, בעוד שהבוטים והטרולים ממפעלי הטרולים הרוסים תמכו, מצד אחד, בפופוליסטים ומצד שני ("אני לא xxx אבל") "חיזקו" את המורכבות של כל נושא. ע"ע חיסונים https://t.co/3ZqDV2JXdJ
@Gosia2015bis @DeviRinah Tu masz stosowny link do tych badań. Poniżej badania kto i dlaczego wierzy w takie różne bzdury. https://t.co/iQRXtwPWwB https://t.co/UcUvlhUqUo
@Anthony11461798 @realchasegeiser Yes, being anti-vax is a fact-free position driven by propaganda, so what do you expect? https://t.co/0vZ7GSZ3Gi
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/O2KB0Mem9o
Много хора без да искат станаха полезни идиоти за Русия през последните няколко години https://t.co/hod3ECUU6h
RT @TheWouston: There is a giant reason for this: https://t.co/EaQ6B8iuZY
@JuPe_EU @guardiannews Engaging in hot controversial topics that divide people is probably just the kind of topics they love to fuel both sides. "Divide and rule" https://t.co/WuM1AYASvL
RT @TheWouston: @rrwrestlingbash Because antivaxx propaganda (even pre-covid) came from Russian bots and fake news websites: https://t.co/E…
RT @TheWouston: There is a giant reason for this: https://t.co/EaQ6B8iuZY
@Lynn44830681 @SenRonJohnson How many Covid "cures" has he tried? HCQ, Ivermectin, mouthwash, herd immunity... Anything but what has proven to work in double-blind studies and treated 4 billion+ people. Is he Putin's useful idiot or is he a willing accomp
@agnostosphere @oneunderscore__ sure. https://t.co/OCpP2GhaGS sad that simple basic facts are painted as conspiracy, but here we are.
@MJRLdeGraaff Desinfo Russische staatspropaganda. https://t.co/rcMrGirmjI
RT @Khlopomanstvo: @Mmacedo_tweets Artigo de 2018. Sim, 2018. Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the…
This is not a new/COVID problem. HCW have been aware of this for years. It has spread beyond a small sub-group with COVID, but it's not new. https://t.co/8Ldopyz89C https://t.co/3KfE1ihWAi
It's really important to pay attention to the types of things the Kremlin disinformation machine has been pushing over the last few years. Troll accounts push discord, not a particular narrative. https://t.co/j5ppRm8JCf
@pietruszkanatki @bladyrasta Przecież już dawno się okazało, ale większość sejmowa za wszelką cenę jest najważniejsza, ergo ruskie mogą sobie wymienić chochlę na robot planetarny https://t.co/PrQrUmLOnp
@JuanCar02431280 and there was the early #antivax #DISinformation- https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/3aVCfVb66j
@dr112299 @sunsaunaandste1 @BrandonTozzo You wanna know about bots and trolls....scientific article on them https://t.co/oewnTdsokU
@davidmweissman FYI @davidmweissman, it's FAR WORSE than acknowledged: https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/JYsWLSzayH ++++ #putinsWAR #russianATTACK #VECTORrussianBIOWEAPONSLAB #BioWeapons #UKRAINE #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine️Russia #tRUMPutin #Trump2024=P
RT @Mark_Ungrin: @Crackmacs @yycbeltline @CWalcottYYC @JyotiGondek @JyotiGondek @CalgaryPolice this is not OK. These are attacks in a well…
Ignorance meets opportunism https://t.co/Ok4bFdDfMu https://t.co/VaQz5Gm5uu
@alsino_ @covid_priest Δεν έχει πολύ πλάκα που είσαι μπούφος; Τα ξέρουμε από καιρό. π.χ. με την σφραγιδα της επιστημης https://t.co/0rsfkk0BGU ή https://t.co/ANAE34ahaJ ή https://t.co/HYuOs4ugpn ή https://t.co/lBuM4uxo1h απειρα αρθρα
@sstroschein2 Happening in Canada too https://t.co/iCHMBngbgT
RT @tg128: @Themarg1 Τα ξέρουμε από καιρό. π.χ. με την σφραγιδα της επιστημης https://t.co/0rsfkk0BGU ή https://t.co/ANAE34ahaJ ή https://t…
@Themarg1 Τα ξέρουμε από καιρό. π.χ. με την σφραγιδα της επιστημης https://t.co/0rsfkk0BGU ή https://t.co/ANAE34ahaJ ή https://t.co/HYuOs4ugpn ή https://t.co/lBuM4uxo1h απειρα αρθρα
@Crackmacs @yycbeltline @CWalcottYYC @JyotiGondek @JyotiGondek @CalgaryPolice this is not OK. These are attacks in a well documented https://t.co/Ok4bFdDfMu information war on democracy https://t.co/VaQz5Gm5uu CPS needs to be defending residents, not help
@KateMarieGraham If our political parties would unite in condemning deliberate misinformation pushed by Russian social media manipulators that would help. It's not new https://t.co/Ok4bFdDfMu but recently amplified by political opportunists. This needs to
RT @DrEoin: Russian bot farms have been actively trying to undermine Europe and the US for some time, even before the pandemic, see the lin…
RT @DrEoin: Russian bot farms have been actively trying to undermine Europe and the US for some time, even before the pandemic, see the lin…
Russian bot farms have been actively trying to undermine Europe and the US for some time, even before the pandemic, see the linked paper from 2018. They are continuing to do so today, be uncompromising with blocking of accounts. https://t.co/bnFSBeBDI6
@MarkFriesen08 I get that you & a lot of other anti-vaxxers support Russia's war on Ukrainian democracy since 2014 after Putin's anti-democracy/EU puppet was thrown out, afterall you've been following Russian disinformation for yrs so it's unsurprising
RT @carrie_benton: I’m just gonna leave this 2018 throw back here… https://t.co/mtYpbZvQrr
@MenedzerZdrowia @k_pyrc @GrzybekMaciej @bfialek @MPosobkiewicz @PinkasJJ Od lat, jeszcze przed pandemią, ślady kont antyszczepionkowych prowadziły do rosyjskich farm trolli. Im większy zamęt, strach, poczucie niepewności, tym łatwiej siać dezinformację i
RT @carrie_benton: I’m just gonna leave this 2018 throw back here… https://t.co/mtYpbZvQrr
RT @Ada60416802: @MIKITO_777 @izumus_enatus 失礼致します。こちらをどうか拡散して下さいませんでしょうか。 2014年〜2017年にかけて、ロシアのtroll/botが米国人になりすましワクチンを忌避する投稿を繰り返しSNSに投稿して…
@MIKITO_777 @izumus_enatus 失礼致します。こちらをどうか拡散して下さいませんでしょうか。 2014年〜2017年にかけて、ロシアのtroll/botが米国人になりすましワクチンを忌避する投稿を繰り返しSNSに投稿していた(2018年の記事) covid19が流行する前からこれらは行われていました https://t.co/3loXfV1M2b
RT @Hoi_Pollois: "Concl: Whereas bots that spread malware and unsolicited content disseminated antivaccine messages, Russian trolls promote…
RT @duffomatic: And as Russian tanks roll into Ukraine, it's important to name how Russia has been attacking Americans with disinformation…
RT @duffomatic: And as Russian tanks roll into Ukraine, it's important to name how Russia has been attacking Americans with disinformation…
And as Russian tanks roll into Ukraine, it's important to name how Russia has been attacking Americans with disinformation on vaccines for years. https://t.co/FFoM9wBNUN
"Concl: Whereas bots that spread malware and unsolicited content disseminated antivaccine messages, Russian trolls promoted discord. Accounts masquerading as legitimate users create false equivalency, eroding public consensus on vaccination." Coming soon
RT @datamatic: @paulg Some stats to give you an idea: ~93% of anti-vax content spread by Russian bots [1]. >90% of Russian war propaganda…
@paulg Some stats to give you an idea: ~93% of anti-vax content spread by Russian bots [1]. >90% of Russian war propaganda is spread by the same bots that switched from anti-vax [2], with extremely high comment rate. [1] https://t.co/fDgSP8LKBu [2] h
@JamesLimmer Here’s one. I’ll have to look up the others. https://t.co/678WG9Mzi3
RT @mugenx86: @scoutsleftleg @theluckylance One academic spotted Russian anti-vax bots/trolls posting on social media in 2018 and did an an…
@scoutsleftleg @theluckylance One academic spotted Russian anti-vax bots/trolls posting on social media in 2018 and did an analysis. Did Russia know that China would release a highly contagious virus in Wuhan? Was it preparing? This is weaponised misinfo
Este analiza data del mismo movimiento pero en EEUU Entre 2014/2017. https://t.co/teX0oGh5ha
@gattusismo__ Forse questo studio pre-pandemia dei National Institutes of Health puó gettare un po' di luce su questo mistero... https://t.co/hdQql0DbhL
RT @DFisman: @StanKutcher Predates the pandemic https://t.co/QUFQeveFIR
RT @DFisman: @StanKutcher Predates the pandemic https://t.co/QUFQeveFIR
RT @DFisman: @StanKutcher Predates the pandemic https://t.co/QUFQeveFIR
RT @DFisman: @StanKutcher Predates the pandemic https://t.co/QUFQeveFIR
Yes it does. And more recently?
@StanKutcher Predates the pandemic https://t.co/QUFQeveFIR
Back in @AMJPublicHealth in 2018: “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate” - Broniatowski et al. https://t.co/Ij7yZ8YK2g
@ActuaryByDay It’s not altogether surprising. This paper identified Russian bots and trolls as a source of vaccine misinformation in 2018. https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV
RT @gkalinkat: @AMJPublicHealth @derStandardat Link zur Studie https://t.co/JZAW94ybxC
#tRUMP wanted to #abolishNATO proving he's a #russianASSet. BTW, WTF is this??? Real #EVIDENCE #COVID=russian #BIOWEAPON https://t.co/3kutDiBudp https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/JYsWLSzayH #TraitorTrumpPutinsPuppet #TraitorsToDemocracy #TraitorTrump #
Much health misinformation may be promulgated by “bots”. https://t.co/B3qZnTmFRO
@Lifflander @iltasanomat Tieto lisää tuskaa https://t.co/ADUfBtgqZr
@HeikkiVienta @BBCNews Rokotusvastaisuuden lisääminen USA:ssa (mm. kreationistit) ja Eurooopassa on ollut #Venäjä n hybridivaikuttamisen projekti jo vuosien ajan. Koronaepidemian yhteydessä hybridivaikuttaminen lisääntyi voimakkaasti #rokotusvastaisuus #di
@LudgerWess Nicht nur dort, auch #Impfgegner: https://t.co/TxfqcAZk8B
@AMJPublicHealth @derStandardat Link zur Studie https://t.co/JZAW94ybxC
@SovaElectronics @PolarniLiska Si ho neumíte najít, když vám napíšu o jakou studii se jedná? https://t.co/rZ9jD1GQso
We have seen a wave leading to many deaths. The virus spread. Undermined economy. Divided America did not close state borders like Qld https://t.co/tilcDVNMX5
@BryanWade84 @R_Alvarez02 @Willbrandblock @LayahHeilpern @Kica333 Note the date on this https://t.co/Y8rZoh8d7T https://t.co/k3YC0t6srs Literally a Russian biological warfare attack. It’s bloody disgusting.
@patriottakes The term "jab" is used by russian disinformation bots to con gullible right-wingers to take an anti-vaxx stance. russians want to kill Americans and they are doing it without firing a weapon. The unvaccinated are dying by the thousands each
@NBCNews @ckubeNBC This is our opportunity for revenge. Remember how Russians made vaccines disinformation targeting American moms: https://t.co/g5YajbLoIE