RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
@CIA @McFaul Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/Tc103A6Msm
@POTUS Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/Tc103A6Msm
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/Tc103A6Msm
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/hZ8gcnEKzd
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
Оце так несподіванка!!! Дурню про вакцини і більшість головних ідей антивакцерства розносять боти з рф!! #цежбуловже
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
@JariLeino3 @ItePeku @PuolimatkaTapio En usko, että Suomi on disinformaatiokampanjoiden varsinainen kohde, mutta EU:n heikentämiseen kohdentuvat kampanjat vaikuttavat tälläkin. Niiden vaikutuksen takia rokottamattomia ihmisiä kuolee turhaan Suomessakin😪 Si
@WellFixIt1 @stainedglassdig @FormerAntivax @DrMadej Birds of a feather, Comrade Idiot? How’s the ventilation in the bunker you and your pal are tweeting from? https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV https://t.co/1SgusMT06m
@HeikkiMLuoma @panu_saarela @MarkoPulliaine2 @hsfi @MTVUutiset Rokotusvastainen trollaus alkoi jo ennen koronaepidemiaa. Sillä oli merkittävä vaikutus mm. Italian vaaleihin v. 2018. Nyt sillä halutaan mm. heikentää EU:ta #covid19 #rokotusvastaisuus #trolli
RT @ProfitJim: @pluplu1958 @SouriceauParis @les_vaxxeuses Et pourtant, les preuves ne manquent pas, un phénomène bien documenté depuis au m…
@pluplu1958 @SouriceauParis @les_vaxxeuses Et pourtant, les preuves ne manquent pas, un phénomène bien documenté depuis au moins 2018.. Voir les "mesures actives", un héritage de l'ère soviétique.. https://t.co/ZLK8ITEHSt
@Jeffery4Pi Also, were you aware that your hateful opinions of the 🇺🇸 American Heath agencies are consistent with documented 🇷🇺 Russian propagandist objectives for seeding mistrust in America about public health? https://t.co/QguUpZuqAY
@Jaras07260509 @unijnakapusta60 @baspiela @tlitterowiec piękna rakieta, wysoko poleci, jest szansa, że zobaczysz zakrzywienie Ziemii. To co podajesz to ciężka praca Rosjan. Tutaj badanie sprzed czasów coivid, szykujące "teren" pod ew. pandemię https://t.c
#AMERICA, #DoNotComply with putin's plan to kill as many #AMERICAN(s) as possible like efforts of #gop #gQpDeathCult:(...Weaponized Health Comm: Twitter BOTS and RUSSIAN TROLLS Amplify the Vaccine Debate:Am J Public Health:2018 October!! https://t.co/7uZga
Still relevant. https://t.co/A1e0fOPoXS
@stickmanden @Ireland2020 @sarahasnoh_ How’s the weather in St. Petersburg, Nicolai? https://t.co/rI42LiF3IO https://t.co/zaayc47WPp
@TheRightMelissa 'read much #russianDISINFORMATION lately??🤣😂"Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated"https://t.co/WIeFDdUAip https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/sMK7msBLD6 #russianATTACK on US: Fool me once..(DUMMY). or a you just a #
RT @DERPA_MADRID: 'Comunicación de salud armada: los bots de Twitter y los trolls rusos amplifican el debate sobre las vacunas'. Revista Es…
'Comunicación de salud armada: los bots de Twitter y los trolls rusos amplifican el debate sobre las vacunas'. Revista Estadounidense de Salud Pública 108, no. 10 (Octubre de 2018):
@SenseSixty @AgnesSolberg Or is this you, comrade? https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV
RT @jmcrookston: Don't believe the intentionally sewn disinformation. https://t.co/YkfiUDgFEt
Don't believe the intentionally sewn disinformation. https://t.co/YkfiUDgFEt
@AnitaViherpuro Rokotuksia koskevan disinformaation levittämistä on seurattu jo useita vuosia https://t.co/vdhuFWA0zC
@HeikkiMLuoma @JuhanaHarju @NevgiAnne @merja_rantala @iltasanomat Jep - todellisuus on kuitenkin joskus tarua ihmeellisempää...#covid19 #hybridivaikuttaminen https://t.co/W2EVLqmVQn
@merja_rantala @NevgiAnne @iltasanomat Ei myöskään kannata olla naivi.. https://t.co/Ez32j4RUOS
@CowboyKelevra @LoganYenser @ItalianGQ52 Probably because the anti vax movement is largely informed by a decade long Russian propaganda/information warfare effort and not science. It’s designed to make America sicker/weaker & lots of people are really
Venäjän syytä tämäkin
@TKL_Sanna_S Niin minäkin luulin elokuuhun asti - valitettavasti ulkomailta ohjatut rokotusvastaiset disinformaatiokampanjat näkyvät nyt meilläkin eikä entiseen taida olla paluuta tässä hybridivaikuttamisen maailmassa https://t.co/vdhuFWA0zC
@KarmiahPea @jstorycarter @RonniSalt No, a recognised and treated seriously problem. You can start here: https://t.co/1YKVmCYZBX
2/2 Anti vax discussion on Social Media . Here is the paper https://t.co/akI4Kvv2ui @AlisonGeorge10,@rubin_allergy , @Long_COVID_All ,@UnitedNurses ,@AlbertBourla,@alandove , @doctorshaib,@MarkedByCovid , @AbutlerAnnie , @Beauty4Moms ,@Covid19Long,@covidlo
IVERMECTIN? Anyone watching knows russia has been blowing #antivax smoke UYA since b4 October,'18-SUSPICIOUS when #COVID19 didn't start for over a year, ESPECIALLY with the explosion at Vector BIOWEAPONS LAB? https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/nhPB5gWWYM
@nicholas_armond @highkin They should read this https://t.co/G30Ntk96c7
@AP This is from 2018. But yeah, let’s try Kumbyya because that’s worked so well over the past 20 years. https://t.co/HG18zlySPS
@1701_Anthony @newsmax Poor gullible fool. https://t.co/7J1LzXFRHB
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
RT @USSRComeBack: @MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американ…
@MetalBlade77 Путинской пропаганде похуй на свой скот, пусть все сдохнут! Кремль нанимает тысячи ботов, убеждать американцев, что вакцины это плохо, ждут, что вымрет их "геополитический соперник" Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate
According to @tiktok_us it is against “Community Guidlines” and a violation of “applicable laws” to share a link to an academic study published by The American Journal of Public Health. Care to explain, #TikTok? Here’s what I shared: https://t.co/mnLuAX
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
RT @propornot: This mass delusion is the result of repetitive propaganda constantly spread by our worst enemies for decades. This article…
@laugh_in_pain вичерпно на цю тему: https://t.co/c4tLhdL8ET
"Tucker Carlson" is a #russianASSet and a DMFB https://t.co/7uZgatWkds
Und hier eine Studie zum Einfluss von Twitter-Bots und russischen Troll-Accounts auf die Impf-Debatte - aus dem Jahre 2018(!). https://t.co/6jUbGQgTmi Nur ein Beispiel von vielen aus Vor-Corona-Zeiten. Die Saat ist aufgegangen.
@WilliamRiga Ola Jair Bolsonaro, Too much oxycontin oy??? #CovidVaxExposed=#russianASSet #DISINFORMATION & #putinsBITCH https://t.co/H93XZCiFQm FROM October, 2018-
#CovidVaxExposed Too much oxycontin today??? #CovidVaxExposed=#russianASSet #DISINFORMATION & #putinsBITCH https://t.co/H93XZCiFQm FROM October, 2018-
Too much oxycontin today??? #CovidVaxExposed=#russianASSet #DISINFORMATION & #putinsBITCH https://t.co/H93XZCiFQm FROM October, 2018- #CovidVaxExposed
Too much oxycontin today??? #CovidVaxExposed=#russianASSet #DISINFORMATION & #putinsBITCH https://t.co/7uZgatWkds FROM October, 2018-
Weaponized health communication: Twitter bots and Russian trolls amplify the vaccine debate #Vaccination #COVID19 https://t.co/p72oL1otNI
RT @propornot: Remember: Moscow has been strategically spreading anti-vaccine lies for decades. Here's some research looking at how they we…
Your sources are anonymous trolls posting COVID propaganda and misinformation that gullible dimwits like you are helping on social media. Delete your account. https://t.co/AbWoOLN9P4
@gorskon And this paper is from *2018* https://t.co/56RDIXO8XX
RT @DFisman: That's gold. Imagine you're a country that, ahem, has some issues with NATO? Or the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Canada,…
@CNN #russianATTACK #AMERICAN #Casualties: #InfoWARisWAR https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/hyes1slI3u https://t.co/9R8G7ijxTl https://t.co/wmuAjQyCkT https://t.co/I9Ass9DZ1T Senate Intelligence Committee #SenateIntelligenceCommittee See pg 948 Conclu
RT @Vadeboncoeur_Al: Wow.
Beaucoup de désinformation en ce qui concerne la vaccination (covid-19 ou autre)? Il y a des ébauches de réponses qui existent qui étaient disponible avant la pandémie. https://t.co/g2rfr7DTuC
And the antivax Russian bots & trolls are not new to social media. Come on….it’s cheap warfare! Damage rival nations health with words & there’s plenty of cash for bent doctors…. https://t.co/yN99ZhHfrv