Do you even Science, Bro,
Objectives. To understand how Twitter bots and trolls (“bots”) promote online health content.Methods. We compared bots’ to…
Objectives. To understand how Twitter bots and trolls (“bots”) promote online health content.Methods. We compared bots’ to…
Hvorfor snakker man ikke om Big Antio-vaccine eller Big Alternative? Et klassisk argument for generaliseret skepsis over for…
Russian influence and support for the antiscience movements is clear and dangerous.
"Results suggest that Twitter bots and trolls have a significant impact on online communications about vaccination. The nature…
*sigh* Anti-vaxers be like "we're not Russian, so Russian bots and trolls don't exist" in exactly the same way they say "we…
Quante volte vi siete imbattuti in profili anonimi che parlavano a vanvera e diffondevano bufale sui vaccini? Quante volte vi…
From the American Journal of Public Health: Russian trolls and Twitter bots post vaccination content on social media more than…
Be aware of this possibility when you see discourse regarding vaccines. I linked multiple articles regarding this, below. “Rus…
"We report the results of a retrospective observational study assessing the impact of bots and trolls on online vaccine…
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate #sciseekpicks https://ajph.aphapublic…
Vox piece about spread of #measles in the US cites AJPH research that found bots and Russian trolls spread anti-vaccination…
In this year’s Altmetric list of the top 100 most read academic papers: Number 18 is AJPH’s “Weaponized Health Communication…
Objectives. To understand how Twitter bots and trolls (“bots”) promote online health content. Methods. We compared bots’ to…
Antivaccine trolls on Twitter are adding fuel to #vaccine hesitancy and debates. Better not get distracted! Interesting article…
Il n'y a pas que dans la politique que les trolls russes interfèrent: une fascinante étude tend à démontrer qu'une grande…
Russian Social Media Accounts Played Both Sides of the Vaccine…
How do anti-vaccine messages spread online? From 2014-2017, Twitter bots
American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA)