@GregoryBedaux Good for Trudeau, time to call out the ignorant anti democracy disinformation trolls. Public health doctors around the world have a clear consensus of what is required. Useful idiots and the foreign powers undermining our democracy need to b
@JackPosobiec Jackoff @JackPosobiec spewing #DISinformation AGAIN- #russianASSet DMF https://t.co/7uZgatWkds https://t.co/B68PorlCnl https://t.co/J7esetBwjJ
@Againstall10 @konttiukko @zirkkeli1 Aiheesta on tehty paljon tutkimusta jo ennen nykyistä pandemiaa. Esim. tuossa: https://t.co/s1pKw6YJTu
@Mchael21592783M Says the dunce who pushes the dishonest crackpots Malone and Bhakdi. I have nothing to disclose. You’re projecting. Stop avoiding the fact you work for Putin, troll. https://t.co/AbWoOLN9P4
@WeRtheArmy @stasiakstein @mountkidd @Cernovich Conspiracy garbage. The public health data globally are available for analysis by scientists and media. The idiocy of the QAnon anti vaxxers is just social media poison. https://t.co/GDSUc37pEa
@eudes_bezerra @mountkidd @Cernovich Already clear.the anti vax idiots being manipulated by disinformation. The science is clear, the dedicated public health experts across the world are clear. Morons who buy into ivermectin etc are tge idiots. https://t.
@fashwagon @TravisR39003126 @SharonStPierr11 @Daneman99018579 @AdamKinzinger The Russians have been promoting antivax crap on Twitter for years. Ample evidence of that. America has been under attack. https://t.co/WJBjsTLwMD
@dworass @mietczynski @MQ0011 @Johndoe97657691 "93 procent wiadomości o szczepieniach opublikowanych na Twitterze w latach 2014–2017 pochodziło ze złośliwych kont, w tym kont prowadzonych przez rosyjskie trolle[61]." 61: https://t.co/s3SPZTReeP
@mj698181 @Wejolyn 2015, 9 followers, disinformation bot. https://t.co/GDSUc37pEa
@KonradBorkowsk7 @Konrad34560481 @szczepimysie @MZ_GOV_PL @profnfenton Np. 1. https://t.co/LEKb8L2QOO 2. https://t.co/neBCTVBIjv Poszukaj dalej po słowach kluczowych
Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate https://t.co/Ifq6ZiugeQ
@mclachlan_fred @jjhorgan You not trusting highly trained public health doctors and instead spewing conspiracy and misinformation is verging on criminal. You are not some independent thinker, you are an anti vax idiot. Your position, uninformed. https://t
@MattBennet11 @AlysonMetzger @YeaUpYours @business Bots and the Trump supporting faction of the Republican party are the ones spreading Covid, masking, vaccine DISINFORMATION. https://t.co/ywaUtyA0vc
#DoNotComplyEVER = #russianASSet(s) like the STUPID #LIE that #tRUMPwon. #tRUMP? 🤫😃😂🤣🤮🤮https://t.co/7uZgatWkds #russianATTACK #russianHIT #GOJOE You can #SaveDemocracy #POTUS https://t.co/L6HRhmM6Sf
RT @Laura__Fox: Antivax Russian propaganda *preceded* coronavirus 👇 "American Journal of Public Health Weaponized Health Communication:…
Antivax Russian propaganda *preceded* coronavirus 👇 "American Journal of Public Health Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate" https://t.co/mpYb3eCOX0
@ppoloniax @ROYMNJO @doc_scoop au contraire, Russische Mächte schüren schon lange Ängste vor Impfungen: https://t.co/Fk7WOWMR4x
@iwonalaub Das ist so in Teilen auch erwiesen: https://t.co/esMed8Inod
@leisurenaut @TwitterSafety You're correct; both statements are true. Example: If there are indications an extremist group is plotting an attack, assessing a future threat doesn't speak to the group's history necessarily. Not a perfect comparison but hopef
RT @AnIdiotKing: @magoniareview @BigBrotherWatch Active measures to undermine public health programmes are nothing new. Historical oversi…
@magoniareview @BigBrotherWatch Active measures to undermine public health programmes are nothing new. Historical oversight from UNICEF (2013) https://t.co/fzQ9eFFhld More recent (2018) https://t.co/zu6Lj4GXsa Discussing the intersection of profiteeri
@DavidPNoble63 This was already happening before Covid. https://t.co/KjXEIs8AyF
@martinoweiss Among others, years and years of disinformation campaigning, aiming to divide populations an damage democratic institutions? Here is just one piece of research from 2018: https://t.co/CP5f153M6i Of course this misinformation filters down int
@BaynesMelanie @Pesty13 @liberdade48 @nivy_777 @rick_pittman You buy snake oil and spread disinformation that kills people. listen to the consensus among public health doctors who dedicate their careers to protecting people as best they can. “Globalist” SM
@june4th1971 @gvravel @TeaPainUSA Conspiracy bot. Lying disinformation troll, spewing hate. https://t.co/GDSUc37pEa
@fkellam3 @PabloUstain @CUBENONCUBIQUE @chrissaccoccia1 I'll acknowledge one of the big issues in society today is erosion in trust of expertise and the notion of alternative facts -we are being divided -and that division is being sown by foreign actors cr
@Saffiya_Khan1 Also relevant. And this was *before Covid*. https://t.co/KjXEIs8AyF
@tanjamaier17 It started there as disinformation tactic by Kremlin to seed division. It backfired https://t.co/jZ0GxjKTHm
@Portesbleus @archer_rs They were already sowing discord with anti-vax messaging before Covid. https://t.co/KjXEIs8AyF
@JaPennz @adriandix The source of a lot of the memes and antivax talking points are quite concerning - consider who’s work you are amplifying https://t.co/Xoaxz0nV4m
@winstonflower22 @trickyn59772445 @BaynesMelanie @rick_pittman Bot Alert - 1 following 0 followers. https://t.co/GDSUc37pEa
@winstonflower22 @BaynesMelanie @trickyn59772445 @rick_pittman You are being fed conspiracy crap. Do some actual research out of your echo chamber. Public health doctors who are highly trained people dedicating their careers to public service are clear. Yo
@TelGlobalHealth @Harrietmbarber To hell with them. You realize the anti-vax movement is a proxy for fascim? That Russia wins if Americans off themselves through stupidity? https://t.co/i5MBILkJId
RT @NickDone8: @jennycohn1 And he sided with a foreign adversary. https://t.co/Gq6l2L0Ro1 Against civilians too https://t.co/jerwHcic7m
@johnbyr53405330 @mschade72 @BaynesMelanie @liberdade48 @rick_pittman Sure, the entire public health system filled with brilliant dedicated doctors are all part of a global cover up. Morons and useful idiots for the spread of disinformation. You either hav
@Stormageddon666 kein Zufall. Russische Trolle befeuern schon lange die Impfgegner: https://t.co/Fk7WOWMR4x
@SFDukie @FoxNews @OANN @WSJ @tedcruz #russainASSet Rupert Murdoch walked from russia with billions- nobody does that and lives... https://t.co/7uZgatWkds + https://t.co/BlGlJ7ruTd https://t.co/th6gh0zo2v
Man sollte auch dem #Impfgegner-Phänomen wissenschaftlich begegnen, bei aller berechtigten Emotion. Es gibt Evidenz für gezielte Versuche, demokratische Gesellschaften zu destabilisieren - auch auf dieser Ebene, schon lange vor #Corona. ⬇️ Das sollten wir
RT @RadekStas: @Dominik51141857 Ucz się chłopie nie jest za późno. https://t.co/EwHXasdlOL https://t.co/bpG9WNB2Tw https://t.co/D5UlKgUwaQ
@Dominik51141857 Ucz się chłopie nie jest za późno. https://t.co/EwHXasdlOL https://t.co/bpG9WNB2Tw https://t.co/D5UlKgUwaQ
RT @NickDone8: @jennycohn1 And he sided with a foreign adversary. https://t.co/Gq6l2L0Ro1 Against civilians too https://t.co/jerwHcic7m
@drStuartGilmour @RVAwonk Where’d the “Hunter’s laptop” story start? I’ll absolutely agree that homegrown rightwing “news” is fertile ground for disinformation, but it’s weirdly manichaean to assumr that excludes foreign disinfo. Precovid antivax propagand
What are you trying to say?
@Anwalt_Jun Hier ein guter Artikel dazu welche Kommunikationtechniken erfolgreich sind: https://t.co/FC9ELt08I1 Auch interessant: fremde Geheimdiente verbreiten wohl lange schon Angst vor Impfungen um unsere Gesellschaft zu destabilisieren: https://t.co/HS
RT @BlueGirlRules1: 2018 Study on "Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate" https://t…
законослухняний громадянин (@SNesteforenko) твитнул(а): @pan_goldman Перепрошую, там американські інститути робили аналіз твітеру 2014-2017. 93% антиваксівських постів писали боти, причому переважна більшість російських. https://t.co/Ltv8jSjMt5 https://t.
@pan_goldman Перепрошую, там американські інститути робили аналіз твітеру 2014-2017. 93% антиваксівських постів писали боти, причому переважна більшість російських. https://t.co/rlesMYBqol
@GlennQuagmeier The hoax "Clint Eastwood" is dead is much more likely to have come out of russia- They attack ALL icons just to demoralize, confuse and divide US. Some of US are unwitting #russianASSets and play along-IMHO https://t.co/UTxBYWiqnq https://t
@AgathoGeorgius @mishutkkaa хотя всё более прозаично. какая-нибудь страна.уа тоже не проект фсб, например. а во-вторых, если кто-то выглядит, как утка, крякает, как утка, то это наверняка русня ёбаная: https://t.co/c4tLhe2K3t
Botlar ve troller sağlık "gevezesi" çıkmış The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications https://t.co/o2SASFGkxk
RT @swentol: Lawina zaczyna się od małej grudki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX
RT @swentol: Ciekawe linki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX https://t.co/5jK4lXJBkE
RT @swentol: Ciekawe linki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX https://t.co/5jK4lXJBkE
RT @swentol: Lawina zaczyna się od małej grudki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX
Lawina zaczyna się od małej grudki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX
Ciekawe linki. https://t.co/BaIjW0WrJX https://t.co/5jK4lXJBkE
RT @swentol: Temat nabiera rumieńców. https://t.co/d1T6GPpE98
Temat nabiera rumieńców. https://t.co/d1T6GPpE98
@Superno_1111 @FormerAntivax Anonymous Russian trolls who pretend to be something they aren’t - like you - who spread misinformation about vaccines, idiot. https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV
@Superno_1111 @FormerAntivax Who said anything about hackers? You’re seriously stupid. Apparently your reading comprehension is even lower than your IQ. https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV
@Superno_1111 @FormerAntivax In your case, cheap vodka. How’s the weather in Murmansk? https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV https://t.co/B1dRMs7YP8
@Superno_1111 @FormerAntivax Says Putin’s useful troll/idiot. https://t.co/Hb4Q9Ba3XV https://t.co/pG444rgO1G
RT @pvanheus: @SAEdries @BitaScicomm Health conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine messaging have been part of Russian state run disinformati…
@SAEdries @BitaScicomm Health conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine messaging have been part of Russian state run disinformation campaigns for years (https://t.co/NtV5obI4HC). Even the "5G" theory originates from RT (https://t.co/cxLNjNGJkj). Division &
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79
RT @taranenko: Російські боти і тролі https://t.co/HyJBQj9U79